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Two related industries; an account of paper-making and of paper-makers' felts as manufactured at the Kenwood mills, Rensselaer, New York, U.S.A., and ... of F.C. Huyck [and] sons, Albany, New York

Author: Perry Walton; John H., Hoag

Genre: Business-Economics-Finance

Publisher: Prentice Hall International / Published Year: 2006

Pages: 398 pages / Weight: 624 g

Dimensions: 17.06 x 23.04 x 2 cm

Notes: Some pages are stained-the cover is slightly bent at the corner

This carefully constructed textbook empowers the reader with an understanding of fundamental economic concepts. There are 31 “one-concept” chapters. Each short chapter highlights one economic principle. The student can study one concept and be reinforced by the learning process before proceeding to another. The writing is lucid and at the student's level. Self-review exercises conclude each chapter. The text is well integrated to show the relationship among the basic concepts and to offer a comprehensive overview of economics. The one-concept chapters provide organizational flexibility for the instructor. There are eight modules: The Economic Problem; Price Determination; Behind the Supply Curve; Measuring the Economy, The Level of Income; Money; Trade; Conclusion.

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This carefully constructed textbook empowers the reader with an understanding of fundamental economic concepts. There are 31 “one-concept” chapters. Each short chapter highlights one economic principle. The student can study one concept and be reinforced by the learning process before proceeding to another. The writing is lucid and at the student's level. Self-review exercises conclude each chapter. The text is well integrated to show the relationship among the basic concepts and to offer a comprehensive overview of economics. The one-concept chapters provide organizational flexibility for the instructor. There are eight modules: The Economic Problem; Price Determination; Behind the Supply Curve; Measuring the Economy, The Level of Income; Money; Trade; Conclusion.