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The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for the World

Author: Morrison Bonpasse

Genre: Politics-Culture-Law

Publisher: Single Global Currency Assn. / Published Year: 2006

Pages: 408 pages / Weight: g

Dimensions: 23 x 15.2 x 2 cm

Notes: the cover is slightly bent- slightly stained outside-has notes at first page

This is the only book in print in the world about the single global currency, and is the only book in the world priced in 147 currencies. Written for the people of the world, it describes the origins of the current worldwide foreign exchange system, and tells how to change it; and save the world - trillions. The multicurrency foreign exchange trading system was developed about 2,500 years ago to enable people of different currency areas to trade. That system has become far more sophisticated in the meantime and handles $2.5 trillion per day; but it is very expensive and risky. It is now time to replace that system with a single global currency. In a 3-G world with a single global currency managed by a global central bank within a global monetary union: - Annual transaction costs of $400 billion will be eliminated. - Worldwide asset values will increase by about $36 trillion. - Worldwide GDP will increase by about $9 trillion. - Global currency imbalances will be eliminated. - All Balance of Payments problems will be eliminated. - Currency crises will be prevented. - Currency speculation will be eliminated. - The need for foreign exchange reserves will be eliminated. Such gains are realistic and attainable if the world decides to pursue them. The monetary unions of Europe, the Caribbean, Africa and Brunei/Singapore have shown the way. Buy and read this book and, then please buy two more and pass them on to others and encourage them to do the same; and work to save the world - trillions. What the people of the world want is sound, stable money and the end to the obsolete multicurrency foreign exchange system. A single global currency is no longer a utopian dream, but a realistic projection of what has been learned from current monetary unions, especially the euro.

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This is the only book in print in the world about the single global currency, and is the only book in the world priced in 147 currencies. Written for the people of the world, it describes the origins of the current worldwide foreign exchange system, and tells how to change it; and save the world - trillions. The multicurrency foreign exchange trading system was developed about 2,500 years ago to enable people of different currency areas to trade. That system has become far more sophisticated in the meantime and handles $2.5 trillion per day; but it is
very expensive and risky. It is now time to replace that system with a single global currency. In a 3-G world with a single global currency managed by a global central bank within a global monetary union: - Annual transaction costs of $400 billion will be eliminated. - Worldwide asset values will increase by about $36 trillion. - Worldwide GDP will increase by about $9 trillion. - Global currency imbalances will be eliminated. - All Balance of Payments problems will be eliminated. - Currency crises will be prevented. - Currency speculation will be eliminated. - The need for foreign exchange reserves will be eliminated. Such gains are realistic and attainable if the world decides to pursue them. The monetary unions of Europe, the Caribbean, Africa and Brunei/Singapore have shown the way. Buy and read this book and, then please buy two more and pass them on to others and encourage them to do the same; and work to save the world - trillions. What the people of the world want is sound, stable money and the end to the obsolete multicurrency foreign exchange system. A single global currency is no longer a utopian dream, but a realistic projection of what has been
learned from current monetary unions, especially the euro.