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Roads to Success in Business (Business Masterminds)

Author: Robert Heller

Genre: Business-Economics-Finance

Publisher: DK / Published Year: 2001

Pages: 863 pages / Weight: g

Dimensions: Updating

Notes: slightly stained outside- colored with ilustrations

In this enlightening volume, best selling business expert Robert Heller presents the ideas and innovations of eight of the world's most successful business leaders. Charting each guru's rise to the top, Heller analyzes the factors that contributed to each one's phenomenal success. Combining these with a series of inspiring masterclasses, Heller shows you how to make their strategies world for your own success. Learn how Warren Buffet identifies strong brands, minimizes risk, recognizes ideal business acquisitions, and values hard work and honesty. Comprehend the strategies Bill Gates uses to focus on his goals, forge key collaborations, hire the best brains, make solid decisions, and dominate the market place. Discover the ideas of Peter Drucker on managing by objectives, achieving innovation, and focusing on customers. Realize why Tim Peters' management strategies enable businesses to exploit "perpetual revolution" and live with chaos in a commercially volatile world. Understand why Stephen Covey advocates widening circles of influence, developing "abundance mentalities," exercising self-leadership, and optimizing personal capabilities. Appreciate how Charles Handy sees businesses as communities, challenges dogmas, makes groups work, and lives by the "doughnut principle." Grasp the methods Andrew Grove uses to manage innovation, drive performance, and master revolutionary change.

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In this enlightening volume, best selling business expert Robert Heller presents the ideas and innovations of eight of the world's most successful business leaders. Charting each guru's rise to the top, Heller analyzes the factors that contributed to each one's phenomenal success. Combining these with a series of inspiring masterclasses, Heller shows you how to make their strategies world for your own success. Learn how Warren Buffet identifies strong brands, minimizes risk, recognizes ideal business acquisitions, and values hard work and honesty. Comprehend the strategies Bill Gates uses to focus on his goals, forge key collaborations, hire the best brains, make solid decisions, and dominate the market place. Discover the ideas of Peter Drucker on managing by objectives, achieving innovation, and focusing on customers. Realize why Tim Peters' management strategies enable businesses to exploit "perpetual revolution" and live with chaos in a commercially volatile world. Understand why Stephen Covey advocates widening circles of influence, developing "abundance mentalities," exercising self-leadership, and optimizing personal capabilities. Appreciate how Charles Handy sees businesses as communities, challenges dogmas, makes groups work, and lives by the "doughnut principle." Grasp the methods Andrew Grove uses to manage innovation, drive performance, and master revolutionary change.