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International Financial Management

Author: Madura Jeff

Genre: Business-Economics-Finance

Publisher: Thompson / Published Year: 2003

Pages: 696 pages / Weight: 1550 g

Dimensions: 25.9 x 20.8 x 3.6 cm

Notes: Slight stained outside

Prepare for success in international finance with this best-selling book's effective presentation of in-depth theory and practical applications. INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT builds on the fundamental principles of corporate finance to provide the timely information and contemporary insights needed to prosper in today's global business environment. This book discusses a wide range of managerial topics using a strong corporate perspective and highlights financial reform and its impact on the international finance today. An emphasis on the most recent financial industry trends further prepares readers to understand and effectively manage within the dynamic field of international finance. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr Jeff Madura is Emeritus Professor of Finance at Florida Atlantic University. He has written several successful finance texts, including Financial Markets and Institutions (now in its 12th edition). His research on international finance has been published in numerous journals, including Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of International Money and Finance; Financial Management; Journal of Financial Research; Financial Review; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money; Global Finance Journal; International Review of Financial Analysis and Journal of Multinational Financial Management. Dr Madura has received multiple awards for excellence in teaching and research, and he has served as a consultant for international banks, securities firms and other multinational corporations. He served as a director for the Southern Finance Association and the Eastern Finance Association, and he is also former president of the Southern Finance Association.

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Prepare for success in international finance with this best-selling book's effective presentation of in-depth theory and practical applications. INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT builds on the fundamental principles of corporate finance to provide the timely information and contemporary insights needed to prosper in today's global business environment. This book discusses a wide range of managerial topics using a strong corporate perspective and highlights financial reform and its impact on the international finance today. An emphasis on the most recent financial industry trends further prepares readers to understand and effectively manage within the dynamic field of international finance.


Dr Jeff Madura is Emeritus Professor of Finance at Florida Atlantic University. He has written several successful finance texts, including Financial Markets and Institutions (now in its 12th edition). His research on international finance has been published in numerous journals, including Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of International Money and Finance; Financial Management; Journal of Financial Research; Financial Review; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money; Global Finance Journal; International Review of Financial Analysis and Journal of Multinational Financial Management. Dr Madura has received multiple awards for excellence in teaching and research, and he has served as a consultant for international banks, securities firms and other multinational corporations. He served as a director for the Southern Finance Association and the Eastern Finance Association, and he is also former president of the Southern Finance Association.