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Ethics, Governance and Accountability: A Professional Perspective

Author: Steve Dellaportas; Ratnam, Alagiah; Kathy, Gibson

Genre: Business-Economics-Finance

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd / Published Year: 2005

Pages: 363 pages / Weight: 719 g

Dimensions: 24.5 x 18 x 2cm

Notes: has ex-library mark - slight stained outside

As a consequence of a number of high profile national and international corporate collapses, the international accounting community has firmly directed their attention to the need for robust ethical standards, sound and transparent corporate governance and an awareness of social, environmental and corporate accountabilities. In light of the increased expectation upon a universal professional code of conduct, Ethics, Governance and Accountability is a timely and valuable new text for educators and students of accounting. Students are presented with core ethical models necessary for ethical decision-making and introduced to a range of professional issues such as conflict of interests, professional independence, fraud and forensic accounting, corporate governance and social/corporate responsibility. This text addresses the increasing professional expectation that graduates possess a well-developed sense of ethical models and an awareness of their professional role and responsibilities

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As a consequence of a number of high profile national and international corporate collapses, the international accounting community has firmly directed their attention to the need for robust ethical standards, sound and transparent corporate governance and an awareness of social, environmental and corporate accountabilities. In light of the increased expectation upon a universal professional code of conduct, Ethics, Governance and Accountability is a timely and valuable new text for educators and students of accounting. Students are presented with core ethical models necessary for ethical decision-making and introduced to a range of professional issues such as conflict of interests, professional independence, fraud and forensic accounting, corporate governance and social/corporate responsibility. This text addresses the increasing professional expectation that graduates possess a well-developed sense of ethical models and an awareness of their professional role and responsibilities