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Freeze-Frame: One Minute Stress Management: A Scientifically Proven Technique for Clear Decision Making and Improved Health (Heartmath System)

Author: Doc Childre

Genre: Self-help

Publisher: HeartMath / Published Year: 1998

Pages: 139 pages / Weight: 300 g

Dimensions: 21.7 x 14 x 1 cm

Notes: the cover has slight dust; stained outside

One Minute Stress Management unfolds the remarkable science and practical tools of "HeartMath"-a system that addresses how our emotions profoundly affect our health, mental clarity and productivity. The five simple steps of Freeze-Frame are taught, with easy practice sheets for applying and resolving personal and organizational issues from work, family and relationships. Explains HeartMath's breakthrough research on emotions and health, with new information on the function and intelligence of the heart, that has been published in top medical journals. The book also contains summaries of corporate and educational case studies, illustrating the effectiveness of the technique. HeartMath has conducted studies with corporations such as Motorola and Boeing, and state and federal government agencies that show dramatic improvement in productivity and attitude with reductions in stress, depression, anxiety and tension. The book includes guidance and tips on how to get best results with physical health, emotional management, mental clarity, business effectiveness, family and relationship harmony. Freeze-Frame is a Book of the Month Club selection for their One Spirit catalog

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One Minute Stress Management unfolds the remarkable science and practical tools of "HeartMath"-a system that addresses how our emotions profoundly affect our health, mental clarity and productivity. The five simple steps of Freeze-Frame are taught, with easy practice sheets for applying and resolving personal and organizational issues from work, family and relationships. Explains HeartMath's breakthrough research on emotions and health, with new information on the function and intelligence of the heart, that has been published in top medical journals. The book also contains summaries of corporate and educational case studies, illustrating the effectiveness of the technique. HeartMath has conducted studies with corporations such as Motorola and Boeing, and state and federal government agencies that show dramatic improvement in productivity and attitude with reductions in stress, depression, anxiety and tension. The book includes guidance and tips on how to get best results with physical health, emotional management, mental clarity, business effectiveness, family and relationship harmony. Freeze-Frame is a Book of the Month Club selection for their One Spirit catalog