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The Miracle Strain

Author: Cordy Michael

Genre: Mystery-Thriller-Horror

Publisher: William Morrow / Published Year: 1997

Pages: 406 pages / Weight: 717 g

Dimensions: 24.3 x 16.5 x 3.3 cm

Notes: the spine is slightly dented at the top

At the moment of his supreme triumph, a man of science dodges an assassin's bullet and loses everything that truly matters in his life. Now only a miracle can save Dr. Tom Carter's dying daughter: the blood of salvation shed twenty centuries ago. In the volatile heart of the Middle East, amid the devastating secrets of an ancient brotherhood awaiting a new messiah, Tom Carter must search for answers to the mysteries that have challenged humankind since the death and resurrection of the greatest Healer who ever walked the Earth. Because suddenly Carter's life, the life of his little girl, and the fate of the world hang in the balance ... After two thousand years, the wait is over .

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At the moment of his supreme triumph, a man of science dodges an assassin's bullet and loses everything that truly matters in his life. Now only a miracle can save Dr. Tom Carter's dying daughter: the blood of salvation shed twenty centuries ago.

In the volatile heart of the Middle East, amid the devastating secrets of an ancient brotherhood awaiting a new messiah, Tom Carter must search for answers to the mysteries that have challenged humankind since the death and resurrection of the greatest Healer who ever walked the Earth. Because suddenly Carter's life, the life of his little girl, and the fate of the world hang in the balance ...

After two thousand years, the wait is over .