Sixteen year-old orphan, Shar Tillmer, lives at the Court of the High Margrave in the Summer Isle of the Star Peninsula. Brought up with her uncle, Thel, in a world where magical talent, or a gift of higher power, is encouraged, Shar is disturbed - and excited - to discover that she has such a gift; she can communicate with the elementals - creatures of fire, earth, air and water who control and watch over the universe. But this gift needs to be carefully nurtured and Thel feels he is the one to guide his niece. Shar has never trusted her uncle, and when she overhears him plotting to kill the head of the High Margave, her doubts are confirmed. For the first time, Shar has to use her special powers to save a life, and defeat her evil uncle. In a terrifying duel with the elementals, and the gods of her universe, she fights against the evil that threatens her home and her special power ...Until the next time ...