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Amy Borkowsky

Amy Borkowsky

    "If I ever totally fell for Ed, I realized, I'd have to be comfortable with the idea of becoming an audiophile-phile--someone who's in love with someone who's in love with stereo equipment."
    - Amy Borkowsky, Statements: True Tales of Life

Amy Borkowsky is an American author and comedian. Based in New York City, she is known for the two-volume comedy CDs Amy's Answering Machine: Messages from Mom, collections of actual messages from her overprotective mother. The CDs were launched in an interview with Matt Lauer on Today in 2000.

Amy is also the creator of the Cellibacy project, a media event in which she gave up her cell phone for sixty days, and she is the author of Statements: True Tales of Life, Love, and Credit Card Bills, a collection of true stories she remembered when she looked back at the charges on ten years of American Express credit card bills. "Every purchase tells a story".